Ooof I would sell my soul for some home made Ajvar. As a Macedonian in Australia, far away from the beauty of that place, thank you for sharing your story. There’s nothing quite like Macedonian food. Also now I’m hungry 😂

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Glad you enjoyed it! Sorry I made you hungry!

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Haha worth it x

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Nothing quite like red peppers roasted over an open 🔥. A favorite 😍 😋

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Lovely choices!

Whether it's colour, contrast, art or scenery, your photos capture the essence in every shot and make me feel like I am right beside you.

Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you so much, Laura!

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I loved the 24 photos, especially the bathroom in Liverpool and the Mosque in Turkey (doing a very respectable imitation of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul), but I really wish you'd also identified those that "didn't make the cut", especially the gothic church, which is really stunning.

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Well, now that I've got you, what WAS that gothic church, or where was it?

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It’s Saint Fin Barre's Cathedral in Cork, Ireland! It really was AMAZING! I could’ve easily included it but not enough space.

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Sorry about that! Only so many hours in the day!

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Beautiful Pictures, so interesting

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Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

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You've got a great eye. Keep the photos coming and thank you.

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Thank you!

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Macedonian food is absolutely delicious. 30 years ago I spent 10 days in Ohrid at a friend's grandfather's house. The grandfather was old and had a housekeeper who would come over every day to cook for him. My friend, his girlfriend and I got home cooked meals twice a day, it was foodie heaven.

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Such a wonderful story!

It reminds me of when I was in Cooper Pedy, Australia in the mid-eighties. I was with a friend at a bar when he disappeared and came back and asked if I wanted to join him and some new friends. They were local Aboriginals hanging out behind the bar drinking hooch. I wasn't sure but my friend insisted they were harmless. We ended up chatting (and drinking) with them for hours. Then one asked if we wanted to go back to their place for dinner. We accepted. We went with them to a tradition underground house in the desert with an outside area for BBQing. We were served fresh kangaroo steak cooked on a BBQ over an old oil drum. Their entire extended family greeted us as we shared the meal. It was such a rewarding experience.

In today's world, I think the little hairs would be standing up on the back of my neck fearing the worst scenario.

I think it all comes down to trusting your instincts and taking those chances even if they are slightly outside your comfort zone.

Not every one in the world is out to get you and even if you do not speak the language, a smile goes a long way.

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What a GREAT experience! As cool as Macedonia was that story tops mine!

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Wow that sounds like the kind of thing I live for, very cool

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It's why we travel!

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Thank you so much for sharing! What a lovely story. Your photos make me feel like I was there.

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Thank you for reading! And thanks for the kind words!

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Beautiful images, and a lovely way to celebrate being thankful with new traditions, food, and people. For the first time I tried something different this year, and thankfully it was delightful, fulfilling, and so different that it made me forget the feelings of grief from lost family so many years ago. Great share, I'm grateful for the two of you.

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Love hearing that! And thank you.

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What a beautiful way to celebrate Thanksgiving abroad!

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Thanks so much for letting me share this journey with you. I loved every moment of it and your outstanding photos make me feel part of the adventure! Wish I could really be there!

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Thank you for coming along. And next time!

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A wonderful story, it makes you realize how important traveling is and connecting with people of different backgrounds. If more of us did it the world would be different. Thank you. Enjoy the holidays.

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Thank you, Betty! Happy holidays to you as well!

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One of my all-time favorite Thanksgiving memories is back when I was married to my first husband, back in Texas. We were avid hunters and rarely needed to buy meat from the grocery store.

Anyway, this one Thanksgiving we had probably 20 friends with us on our hunting lease. We shot dove and quail, roasted them wrapped in bacon on the campfire along with baked potatoes and probably some other vegetables.

It was such great camaraderie and such rustic food ate on paper plates, but the joy was palpable.

A very sweet memory, although I don’t hunt anymore and I’ve actually gone to a whole food plant-based diet!

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That sounds wonderful!

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Oh, and I forgot to add that we ate it outdoors underneath a huge tree, camping in tents, pick up trucks and the like.

I guess there’s nothing like fresh air and fresh food!

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How magical!

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It was!

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